Meet The Team

Peter Barrow
CEO – Experienced in R&D,
leadership, marketing, sales, commercials, strategic alliances, technology licensing, acquisition and divestments.

Mark Callaghan
Engineering Manager – The guy who oversees all aspects of our engineering work, from our clients’ business objectives through to the detailed design.

Robert Deacon
Product Development Manager – Not just a great electronic engineer and embedded software man. He’s also our gun on product approvals and the regulations around that.

Andrew Holmes
Engineering Systems Manager – Loves the jobs you hate. He makes sure our systems are rigorous and thorough and that everything is thoroughly tested. He's a pretty damn good system integrator too.

Eva Barrow
Designer – Bio coming soon

Matt Callaghan
Engineer – Bio coming soon

Caira Bayman
Engineer – Bio coming soon

Jamie Syme
Technician – Bio coming soon

Leo Ye
Engineer – Bio coming soon

Stewart Snell (dec)
Stewart was our founding CEO and guided us up until late 2019 when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Sadly Stewart passed away on 30th October 2019. He will always hold a place in our hearts and minds.

Gerome de Gnome
Promotions Dude - One of the earliest members of the team. He joined us to promote a swim training device and continues to wear goggles wherever he travels.